Call for Nominations!It’s WVAGP election season, and we want your input on nominations for the Board of Directors! Complete this 2-minute survey to share the names of colleagues and friends that you see as leaders or future leaders in the WV GIS community, and yes — self-nominations are welcome. The Call for Nominations is open until Wednesday, April 2nd. Complete the Call for Nominations Survey Here |
Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat is the Board of Directors?An 11-member group elected by the WVAGP membership to actively pursue the association’s mission to bring together and build the geospatial community into a cohesive, recognized coordinating body that facilitates the use, development, sharing, and management of geospatial data, and communicates the value of geospatial information to citizens and decision-makers. What does a board member do?Attend a monthly virtual meeting to discuss and vote on association affairs and participate in committee service such as conference planning, scheduling GIS training courses, communication and outreach, organizing elections, strategic planning, and more. The membership term lasts from July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2027. Who can be nominated?Anyone! Nominees will have the choice to accept or decline nomination before being included on the ballot. The nominator's name is not disclosed to the nominee. Any person who accepts a nomination must be a member before the election closes at the annual meeting. Didn’t we just do this last year?Yes! In order to keep the WVAGP leadership dynamic and engaged, elections are open for five members in odd-numbered years and six members in even-numbered years. Our association values new voices and perspectives, and welcomes the nomination of anyone with an interest to get involved. What’s in it for me?Board membership is a great way to serve the GIS community in West Virginia and help make the WVAGP the best that it can be. And if you’re working on your GISP certification, board service earns points towards your portfolio! What is the election timeline?The Call for Nominations is open from Wednesday, March 12th - Wednesday, April 2nd. Nominees will be notified on Monday, April 7th and asked to submit a brief profile by Monday, April 28th. The election will open on Wednesday, May 7th and close on Monday, June 2nd (during the Business Meeting at annual conference). The new Board of Directors will meet after the Business Meeting to get acquainted and choose the executive committee (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer) and committee chairpersons. Want to learn more?Questions or feedback may be submitted here, or contact the Election Committee at WVAGP Bylaws are available here. |