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West Virginia Association of Geospatial Professionals


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  • March 12, 2025 9:37 AM | Barbara Maclennan (Administrator)

    Last Call for Nonprofits! Apply for the FREE Accelerator Project!

    This is your chance to receive FREE support from WVU students and mentors to tackle key challenges like cybersecurity, digital workflow solutions, data management, and more!

    Past projects have helped nonprofits:

    ✅ Improve cybersecurity measures to better protect donor and client data

    ✅ Streamline volunteer management with better tracking systems

    Don’t miss out on this no-cost opportunity to strengthen your organization!

     Deadline is Friday, March 14th! Learn more and submit your proposal here:

     Learn more about Acclerated Vision:

    #NonprofitInnovation #AcceleratorProject #Cybersecurity #DataManagement #WVNonprofits #LastCall

  • March 12, 2025 9:06 AM | Barbara Maclennan (Administrator)

    HistoriGIS Stakehold Questionnaire 

    From the WVGISTC for interested WVAGP stakeholders: 

    To Whom It May Concern,

    I hope this message finds you well.

    I am writing to kindly request your assistance in distributing a preliminary survey related to an ongoing historical GIS proposal through the WVAGP listserv. The survey aims to gather insights from stakeholders involved with historical GIS data.

    For your reference, I have attached a one-page summary of the project. Your assistance and any guidance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

    Survey Link:

    HistoriGIS Stakeholder Preliminary Questionnaire

    The HistoriGIS project aims to automate the extraction and analysis of historical urban features from historical maps (e.g. Sanborn Fire Insurance), transforming them into interactive 3D digital models. By leveraging advanced geospatial and machine learning methods, HistoriGIS enhances historical preservation, urban planning, and community engagement. This questionnaire gathers preliminary feedback to ensure our research aligns closely with stakeholder needs and practical applications.

  • January 15, 2025 11:21 AM | Barbara Maclennan (Administrator)

    WVAGP non-profit members and those who work with non-profits this looks like a great opportunity. 

    BIG NEWS  ARC is offering no-cost training and funding access to help Appalachia's nonprofits build their capacity to serve communities!

    Our virtual, seven-week READY Nonprofits training program will help eligible participants build skills in programming, operations, fundraising and more.

    After successfully completing their training, nonprofits can apply for up to $25K (no match required) for internal capacity building projects.

    Read more about the opportunity:

    Then, register for our February 11 webinar for answers to your application questions:

  • December 01, 2024 9:02 PM | Barbara Maclennan (Administrator)
    Special GIS Day 25th Anniversary Talk
    GIS in Movies and TV, Part III
    Date: December 4th Time: 12:30 pm - 1:30pm
    Presenters: Gene Del Greco and Todd Tucky, West Virginia Association of Geographers (WVAGP) members

    Format: Virtual - link to be provided prior to event on link -
    What does contempory media have to say about GIS and geography? Explore this subject in depth with this fascinating and fun presentation. Part III. of Del Greco's and Tucky's presentation continues to examine how GIS is portrayed in the media, and takes a closer look at how cartographic issues, such as mapping ethics, mapping techniques, and best practices, are portrayed on TV and in the movies. 

    Barb Maclennan is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

    Topic: GIS in the Movies & TV III
    Time: Dec 4, 2024 12:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 846 1581 3482
    Passcode: 041305


    One tap mobile
    +16468769923,,84615813482#,,,,*041305# US (New York)
    +16469313860,,84615813482#,,,,*041305# US


  • October 24, 2024 7:35 PM | Barbara Maclennan (Administrator)

    Please pass this onto orgs using NAIP. 

    The USDA-GEO team that manages NAIP: 2024 NAIP Survey:

    GEO invites you to take part in our 29-question 2024 NAIP survey. In addition to you completing this survey, we request that you distribute this to your regional, state, and county counterparts. We hope to get feedback from as many individuals who use NAIP as possible. The survey will be available till 11/22/2024. It is anonymous unless you include your contact information in question 29.  We are hoping to have a good sample of data from all states and territories.

    From Katherine Schipke, Geographer and GIS Specialist, Associate Liaison for the National Map for below:

    Your participation helps GEO to determine priorities for pending data acquisitions and help us to provide better customer support and assistance to our agencies, customers and partners.

    Thank you,



    Gita Urban-Mathieux

    Federal Liaison, User Engagement

    National Geospatial Program

    U.S. Geological Survey

    511 National Center, Reston, VA 20192

    Office: 703-648-5175; Cell: 703-268-1438


  • March 13, 2024 9:13 AM | Barbara Maclennan (Administrator)

    FYI - If you haven't gotten this email that relates to your community.

    Please note that the deadline for submission of both Programmatic Requests and Congressionally Directed Spending Requests is Monday, March 18, 2024 at 11:59 PM ET.

    The Senate Appropriations Committee helps write the legislation that allocates federal funds to government agencies, departments, and organizations on an annual basis. It is responsible for reviewing the President's budget request, hearing testimony from government officials and other witnesses, and drafting the spending plans for the coming fiscal year.

    If you would like to make a request for your community, please visit for more information. 

    For assistance with these forms, please call the office at (202) 224-3954 or email

  • February 21, 2024 12:00 AM | Marvin Davis (Administrator)

    Nominations Now Accepted for WVAGP 2024 Board of
    Directors Election

    It’s WVAGP election season, and we want your input on nominations for the Board of Directors! Please fill out this 2-minute survey to share the names of colleagues and friends that you see as leaders or future leaders in the WV GIS community, and yes — self-nominations are welcome. This is a great opportunity to step up and get involved!

    This year, there are six members that are up for re-election. Eric Bess, Hussein Elkhansa, Aaron Ferrari, Meryl Friedrich, Jessica Gormont, and Jennings Starcher. 


    Submit Your Nomination


    Nominations Due March 1, 2024

    What is the Board of Directors?
    An 11-member group elected by the WVAGP membership to actively pursue the association’s mission to bring together and build the geospatial community into a cohesive, recognized coordinating body that facilitates the use, development, sharing, and management of geospatial data, and communicates the value of geospatial information to citizens and decision-makers.

    What does a board member do?
    Attend a monthly virtual meeting to discuss and vote on association affairs and participate in committee service such as conference planning, scheduling GIS training courses, communication and outreach, organizing elections, strategic planning, and more. The membership term lasts from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2026.

    Didn’t we just do this last year?
    Yes! In order to keep the WVAGP leadership dynamic and engaged, elections are open for five members in odd-numbered years and six members in even-numbered years. Our association values new voices and perspectives, and welcomes the nomination of anyone with an interest to get involved.

    What’s in it for me?
    Board membership is a great way to serve the GIS community in West Virginia and help make the WVAGP the best that it can be. And if you’re working on your GISP certification, board service earns points towards your portfolio!

    Questions or feedback may be submitted in the Elections Feedback Form.

    Additionally, the WV GeoCon Program Committee would like to remind all members that registration is now open for WV GeoCon 2024! Early Bird Registration ends April 15, click here to learn more!

  • January 24, 2024 7:49 PM | Marvin Davis (Administrator)

    Today, we had a solid turnout to our first GIS Day at the Capitol in 5 years. There were lots of photos taken along with a great write-up by WVPBS. Links below!


    Article from WVPBS:

    WV PBS has yesterday's "Legislature Today" program posted on YouTube and it has the interview with our State GIS Coordinator, Taryn, and Vice President, Meryl. The segment begins at about 8:14 into the program.

    We found this to be a very positive experience today and hope to do it again in 2025. If you are interested in leading the effort for next year, please contact Secretary Ferrari at

  • January 20, 2024 6:16 PM | Marvin Davis (Administrator)

    Link to Obituary Page

    Craig Allan Neidig obituary, Charleston, WV

    Craig Allan Neidig of Charleston, WV passed away unexpectedly from natural causes on Sunday, January 14, 2024. He was 67. Craig was born on November 27, 1956, and grew up in Northumberland, PA. He was the son of Howard and Betsy (Hendershot) Neidig, who both preceded him in death.

    A 1974 graduate of Shikellamy High School in Sunbury, PA, Craig excelled in academics, was an outstanding art student, and performed in the musical South Pacific. After graduating, he moved to Harrisburg to work at Bell Telephone before heading to college at the University of Pittsburgh, beginning at the Bradford campus. At Pitt, he obtained his certificate in Latin American Studies and went on a cultural trip to Guatemala as a research assistant, an experience he always remembered fondly. He earned a BA in Anthropology from Pitt and obtained his MA in Geography and a non-degree PhD in Anthropology from the University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign.

    After graduating with his MA, Craig worked in the construction engineering research lab for the Army Corps of Engineers in Champaign before relocating to West Virginia in 1995. While working for the Army Corps of Engineers, he had the opportunity to participate in an archaeological excavation in Mississippi as part of a mapping project. Craig served as the state's first Geographic Information Systems Coordinator. He was named Chairman of the WV Statewide Addressing and Mapping Board, a governor-appointed board, for 5 years. Craig left his position with the state of WV in 2007, to work for the federal government at the US Geological Survey as a National Map Liaison. As a liaison, he promoted communication and coordination between the USGS national geospatial program with state and other federal agency programs. He retired from USGS in 2021 after almost 17 years.

    Craig and his wife Shelly were married on May 30, 2004. They shared an enjoyment of music and travelled frequently to attend concerts by their favorite artists. He loved good coffee, appreciated great food, and liked to cook. His favorite meals consisted of foods that reminded him of the Pennsylvania Dutch and Amish dishes he grew up eating. Craig enjoyed bird watching and had feeders in his yard to observe the different birds: his favorites were the pileated woodpeckers. Craig loved Evie, the family cat, who spent lots of time cuddling on his lap, providing much joy and comfort.

    Those left to cherish his memory include his loving wife Michelle "Shelly" (Mollett) Neidig; sister Laurie Neidig Adams and her husband Craig; brother Clay Neidig and his wife Jacque; stepson Ian Davis; niece Carrie Adams; nephew Trevor Adams; nephew Sean Neidig and his wife Blaine; nephew Evan Neidig and his wife Rebekah; other relatives, and many friends.

    A memorial service is planned for January 27 at 3 PM at The Cottage at Northgate, 400 Patterson Lane, Charleston WV.

    In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to The American Heart Association (; the American Cancer Society (; the National Audubon Society (; or the National Park Foundation (

    To plant trees in memory, please visit the Sympathy Store.

  • January 17, 2024 9:39 PM | Marvin Davis (Administrator)

    Craig Neidig, a long-time colleague of many in West Virginia, passed away on January 14, 2024 in Charleston. He was the first West Virginia GIS Coordinator and instrumental in the beginning and growth of WVAGP. He will be missed by everyone who knew him and his family is in our thoughts.

    There will be a memorial service on January 27th at 3pm at The Cottage at Northgate (400 Patterson Ln, Charleston, WV 25311).

    Link to Craig's Obituary

    WVAGP plans to honor Craig at the 2024 WV GeoCon and would like to collect photos and stories about Craig for this effort. If you have anything you would like to share, please send them to President Marvin Davis or Secretary Aaron Ferrari.

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